Tickets available online and at the door

General Admission (ages 14 and up) tickets are available online and at the door.
Online sales end June 20, 2025 to insure accuracy. We will not mail your tickets, instead you will pick them up at the show with your receipt.
ALL pre-purchased (adult) ticket holders receive a special swag bag. These bags are not available to those who purchase their tickets at the door.

Pre-to-teen ages 10-13 tickets are only $1.00 and are paid for at the door (with a paying adult). That dollar goes directly into our St. Jude’s jar. We make no profit on these tickets, and will in fact match the jar’s weekend total. (Additional donations are welcomed and matched.)

Children ages 9 and under are free (with a paying adult), but will still be given a wristband.

We welcome the young, but we do ask they be supervised at all times. Parents/Guardians are responsible for any damage caused by accompanying minors.

All tickets are nonrefundable. All major credit cards are accepted. Unfortunately, we do not take PayPal online, we are looking into it for future events. At the door, we accept cash, credit cards, PayPal and Venmo.

Wristbands are for the ticket holder only. Anyone sharing their wristband, sporting a used wristband, or in possession of a counterfeit wristband will be removed, refused entry, and banned from future Horror on Main events.

Photos of any and all convention attendees may be taken by Horror On Main staff for use in promotional material.

Several of our staff have been affected by the loss of sick children. As such, they have spent years supporting those who are looking for the cures to save other families from heartache. In honor of those remembered, Horror on Main is glad to donate to St. Jude, and we thank any and all of you who join us in that fight, whether it is via a Pre2teen ticket, or simple bucket donation. Hug your kids. We also support the local Ronald McDonald House with physical donations. See our Community Page for more information.

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