Advertise on Horror on Main
Thank you for your interest in advertising with Horror on Main. Your support is appreciated and valuable to our family-friendly event and the horror community at large. As an advertiser, you can place an ad in our program book,or simply a graphic on the website. Web ads are included with all program book ads.
Ad space is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis.
To advertise on Horror on Main, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you to complete the process and obtain your graphic(s). Those interested in sending small items for the swag bags, go here. Those looking to become sponsors, go here.
Program Book SPECS:
The deadline for art is May 15, 2024
full page 5″ x 8″
half page 5″ x 3.875″
300 dpi at 100%
pdf or jpg
Web Spot SPECS:
300×300 pixels
120 dpi at 100%
jpg or gif
Note: web banners stay until we begin announcing next year’s guests. depending on when you get it, you could be up for a year or a couple months.