Horror “Community”
Several of our staff have been affected by the loss of sick children over the years, as far back as their own childhoods. As such, they have always (personally) supported those who are looking for the cures to save other families from heartache, or to give them the help they need to stay close during treatment. In the name of “community,” we chose to bring that care to Horror on Main. Beyond our programming and layout, we incorporate the very idea of community by giving back in two ways.
First, we donate all pre2teen (10-13) tickets sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, matching those sales and anything else added to the cash donation bucket over the course of the weekend. In honor of those remembered, Horror on Main is glad to donate to St. Jude, and we thank any and all of you who join us in that fight, whether it is via a Pre2teen ticket, or simple bucket donation. Hug your kids.

Second, we will be collecting and delivering donations for the local Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Central PA, in Hershey. The Ronald McDonald House “keeps families together in a comforting and safe environment while their children receive essential medical care.” So while St. Jude concentrates on the children, the Ronald McDonald Houses support the families.
A Donation Bin will be located at the Ticket Counter near the front desk of the hotel. Bringing in any of the following wishlist donations enters you to win the charity raffle package (which will include swag, signatures, and more). We will draw from the names at noon on Sunday, you need not be present to win.

Pantry Items
*Single Serve Salty Snacks
*Single Serve Cookies
*Single Serve Mac & Cheese Cups
*Single Serve Cereal
*Granola/Breakfast Bars
*Chef Boyardee Mini Bites
*Juice Boxes
Note: We are unable to accept used or outdated items, stuffed animals, baby food and formula, medical
supplies, tube feeding formula and many other
items that are not on our Wish List.
Household Items
*Select-A-Size Paper Towels
*Individually Wrapped Toilet Paper Rolls
*Dryer Sheets
*Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid
*Lysol® All Purpose Cleaner
*Lysol Disinfectant Spray
*Toilet Bowl Disinfecting Cleaner
*Name Brand Laundry Pods
Office Items
*8 1/2” x 11” copy paper
*Forever Postage Stamps
Check Out Our AMAZON Wish List, here
A community is more than a shared taste or experience, it’s a bonded group of people who do great things when working as a team. We welcome everyone to our community and are proud to give back.