Podcast Sign Up

This page is simply a place for Podcasters to sign up to record Live! from Horror on Main weekend. We have a dedicated room for this purpose. To be considered for the schedule, please fill out the form below. Note: space is limited, but we’ll do the best we can to accommodate everyone.

We welcome all comments, questions, and suggestions, and will create a Podcast specific FAQ on this page from that input. So please, feel free to ask.



Do I have to be a vendor to get on the schedule for the podcast room? No. But you do have to pay to attend. Whether you choose to be simply a weekend attendee or purchase a vendor table is up to you. We highly suggest a table, since it allows you the ability to further promote your podcast, hand out swag, sell merchandise, and otherwise connect with your audience.

Can I vend, even if my podcast isn’t about movies? Absolutely! This convention is not about movies or books, it’s about the entire genre and all the shadowy places between books and movies, whether that’s publishers, artists, composers, directors, video games, whatever.

Can I vend if my podcast is nonfiction? Absolutely! Fiction, nonfiction, true crime, radio drama, all are welcome. We love scary facts and true horrors. Do keep in mind it’s a horror convention and thus the attendees will be more interested in something within the genre.